We built our business from seeing needs in the churches we were serving.
We look at our company more as a ministry. We know there are points of tension in churches, and areas that can often distract the leadership from ministry. We wanted to design a concept to focus on those areas, take care of them, and free the church leadership to focus on ministry.
Josh Henry – I was serving on staff at a large church in Illinois. I had many responsibilities and tasks, but never really had an accurate job description or title. Most of my responsibilities were focused around the business operations and technology of the church. I quickly learned that even one of the largest churches in the state had needs and there weren’t many resources available to handle those needs.
I knew there had to be a better way
I met with one of the leaders at our state association and presented him with an idea I had to help churches with custom websites and computer networks. He acknowledged my idea and added a host of other tasks that were needs in churches he was dealing with.
From that conversation, we created Axess Network
We sat down and knew what we wanted to take care of for churches, we just weren’t really sure how we to handle those tasks practically. There were hours of discussions on what was possible, what was necessary, and how can we do it.
We were able to get a few test clients early on that were crucial to our success. Those first few clients really allowed us to test our systems and figure out what would be the best way to resolve the issues we wanted to focus on. From those first few clients and tests we figured out how to build a turnkey solution that met the needs of churches.
We developed a full service solution
During our early meetings with churches, we realized that we had a potential marketing issue. When we introduced ourselves, it then took a bit of explaining to tell people what we did. We needed a quick way to explain our concept.
TheChurchBusinessGuys.com was born to be our “elevator pitch”
With a new web property in place to share our concept, we hit the ground running. Now, when we meet with clients, they know from the outset of our conversation that we are going to talk about church business.