Does Your Church have a Web Presence?

According to “Your Church Magazine”

Currently, 80 to 85 percent of people are finding their church based on websites

If you read further in this article you will also find that

85 percent of church websites are poorly designed, 10 percent are merely adequate, and only five percent can be considered really good

So what does this mean for you ?
– People are “shopping for churches”
– Just like everything else, people looking for churches are going online first and basing their decisions on their first impression
– Investing in a quality website is just like investing in your building, you would not allow your building be in shambles why would you allow your website to be ?
– You might need to take a hard look at what kind of impression your website is making based on these key factors: visual design, functionality, navigation, interactivity and content.

Taken from information from

Based on these statistics, how would you rate your church’s web presence?  Do you have a website out there that hasn’t been updated in 3 months, did you let one of the youth design the site because he had a ‘class’ in it?  Do you have any idea how many people visit your site on a daily/weekly basis?

If you are like many churches, you answer to the questions above are yes, yes and no.  We’d like to change that.  We have been working with churches for years helping them to understand that your website needs to be looked at as another ministry of your church.

Let me say that again….”your website needs to be thought of as another ministry of your church.”

We live in a culture where virtually everyone has a facebook account, people look to Google as a source of reference, and people spend more time online than they do with almost anything else in their day.

It is imperative that your church is taking advantage of this outreach and communication medium.

Here are some key action items to start today:

  1. Get a facebook account for your church.  You’ll be shocked at how many of your members are already there and where else can you get the communication line that facebook offers for free?
  2. Strategically look at your web presence.  Do you have a site?  If not, does your church at least show up in a Google local search?
  3. Get in contact with us today and let us offer a comprehensive review of your current web presence.  We can setup anything you will need to make your churches online presence noticeable and relevant to your congregation and potential visitor.

Remember, 80-85% of people are choosing churches based on their website.  What are you doing to make the first impression?