Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

For the next few days, we’ll be posting articles from a friend of ours, Stephen Boster, KCI Campus Pastor for Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO.  Stephen released a post a few months ago that got me thinking, do we as pastors fall victim to ‘lusting’ after other ministries?  Take a few minutes to check out his thoughts and feel free to comment.  – Josh

Day 1 – Into The Field

My seminary experience provided me with two things at the end of my scholarly journey (besides a great Biblical education): (1) the beginnings of a seminary library, and

(2) the seminary belly – and you fellow seminarians know exactly what I mean about that extra 10-20 pounds around the midline. J

I enjoy my library.  I find myself continuing to utilize the tools and resources that seminary taught me to research and apply.  Seminary serves as a deep well that I draw from on a continual basis.

What I find interesting concerning my library, since my graduation, revolves around my new additions – namely, church growth and leadership books.  I think I have collected just as many books on leadership and church growth in the past five years as I did Theological tools and commentaries during seminary.

I have found myself lusting after the “latest and greatest” techniques of church growth.  Now, while some of the latest statistics of pastors entrenched in pornography run at 40-50% who succumb to internet pornography, I wonder if even more pastors yield to the pull of ministry pornography, or Ministry Lusting?

Put simply, Ministry Pornography is lusting after other ministries and taking my eyes of the context of where God has me serving.  What is the draw?  What is the allure of the latest techniques and strategies of church ministry?

Over the next couple of days, I will discuss my infatuation with the latest ministry techniques and strategies and how I have to keep myself in check.  Feel free to join in on the conversation!!

What do you think the draw is and why there are so many church growth books?