Nothing Better Than a Personal Invitation

I spent sometime this morning listening to the Rick & Bubba Show on my way into town. They brought up something that I wasn’t aware of going on this Sunday. Sunday, September 18, 2011 is National Back to Church Sunday. Some interesting facts were shared.

“Only two percent of church members invite an un-churched person to church. Ninety-eight percent of churchgoers never extend an invitation in a given year.” –LifeWay Research

Also, did you know:

“82% of the unchurched are at least somewhat likely to attend church if invited”
Dr. Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door

8 out of 10 people if asked would more than likely visit the church they were invited to. That is a crazy statistic. What more proof do we need that a personal invitation is the most effective form of marketing.

I am challenging you to not only make this Sunday Back to Church Sunday, but every Sunday. Make a conscious effort to invite people to church. It is not our job to get them to drink, but we can bring them to the trough!