Only 6 Sundays Left…

Only 6 Sundays Left…

Before the end of 2011. Pastor, now is the time to begin to remind member’s that their donations must be received by December 31st to be counted in this giving year. December 31st this year is a Saturday.

What are you doing to encourage year end giving?

Let me suggest five ideas:

– Write a personal letter detailing how God has moved throughout 2011 in the church. Be detailed.

– Ask for testimonies from members about how God has moved in their lives during 2011. These can be both financial or other ways that God has provided.

– Share in your letter some tangible ways the money was used during 2011. Did you renovate, expand, repaint, etc.? Make that known. Remind people that the church operates from their faithful giving.

– Consider adding online giving. Let’s face it, people carry less cash today than ever before. Likewise, that checkbook usually gets kept in the drawer at home. Make it possible for people to give using their debit card. Studies have shown that churches providing options for online giving have seen an increase in revenue.

– Ask people to prayerfully consider how they will give in 2011. The SBC Cooperative Program has implemented a plus 1% strategy for the upcoming year. 1% for most givers is just a few dollars a week. What would an increase of a few dollars a week from every member mean to your church’s bottom line?

We want to always remember that God has blessed us with resources and made us stewards of His money. Money is a difficult topic in the church, but that difficulty presents great opportunities to preach faithfulness.