Open Your Doors to the Web World

Church Website Wednesday

[quote align=”center”]85% of first time visitors are looking for your website BEFORE they step foot in your doors.[/quote]

I use that statistic a lot, but only because it is one of the most valuable stats I have found to reveal the importance of a quality, well-designed church website.

If 85% of first time visitors are coming to your website, you can also assume that they are developing a perception of your church. They want to know more. They are used to going to websites and finding every answer they are looking for, without having to leave the comfort of their home.

Does your website explain who you are?

Most websites we visit and critique fail to answer basic questions about the church. Secondly, most websites we visit fail to provide an accurate impression of the church. It is no longer good enough to have a template or say that just having some info on the web is good enough. We live in a consumerism culture, where people are forming perceptions on their initial impression.

Also, it is relatively inexpensive to get a quality, well-designed site built for your church. Sure there are companies out there that charge a lot of money and lock you into long term agreements, but there are also some like ours that provide an inexpensive solution that doesn’t lock you into a long term arrangement with us.

The key is to have a website, invest in it, and be proud of it. Utilize it as a ministry tool.

Here are some ideas on how to utilize your website as a ministry tool:

– Online Donations – allow people to give to your church online. Its a convenience thing.

– Prayer Requests – make it simple for people to ask for prayer. Take the extra step and if they give permission, post the requests online.

– Downloadable forms – put your forms, permission slips, newsletter, etc. online for download.

– Video/Audio of Worship Services – many churches are publishing audio of the message. Take the extra step and publish a video of your entire service. Visitors will want to see what to expect when they visit your church.

The key here is simplicity. Make it simple and easy for a visitor to find information about your church and find out who you are. A good church website is a great outreach tool!

If you’d like help in understanding the benefits of having a good church website, contact us and we’d be happy to help. We work with churches everyday to help them take care of business. It is our mission to make these aspects of your church simple, easy, and affordable.