We’re Looking for Account Managers

Are you or do you know of a pastor that works bi-vocationally or that would be looking to supplement their income by sharing our concept with churches?

We are looking for driven individuals that will share our concept with other pastors and churches.

Ok, enough of the sales talk. Our business is growing and we really need some field reps that can help us focus our efforts to help churches. We have learned that our concept works and is best shared through personal contacts. We know that our concept works and now we are ready to reach the masses.

We are seeking some individuals with a heart to help churches by showing them how to better handle their administrative tasks. We built our concept to be easily duplicated to hundreds of churches, freeing them up to do ministry.

Interested? Send an email to joinourteam@axessnetwork.com with your name, email address, phone number and where you live and we’ll send you more info to learn more about the position and compensation. We feel this is a perfect job for a bi-vocational pastor looking for something they can do on their own time, at their own pace.