Where’s Your Staff?

This week for our Church Website Wednesday, I want to provide another idea for making your website more personal to visitors.

A client of ours, Cornerstone Christian Church in Shiloh, Illinois, setup their staff page in a very unique way that I thought was a great idea. They put a brief introduction with a picture for each of their staff members. Sounds logical right?

Well what I found very unique and brilliant was a short line they put at the end of each staff members introduction. They put where that staff member could be found on Sunday Mornings.

For a newcomer visiting your church for the first time, being able to find a face they recognize can really help in that transition into a new place.

Don’t think you have enough staff? Consider using key ministry leaders or better yet, just a few familys that are open and interested to welcoming new people to the church.

Put a picture and a quick blurb in the description…”The Smith family has been going to our church for the past 5 years. They are business owners in the community and are an active part of our church. On Sunday mornings, they can be found welcoming people around our coffee bar.”

It’s often the simplest things that make the biggest difference in people deciding to visit your church.

What are you doing to make your website a more personal?