Your Virtual Back Office

I saw a commercial last night for a business software program (which will remain nameless) that says it’s like having a ‘virtual back office.’  I was instantly intrigued because, after all, that is a catch phrase we have been using.  After watching the commercial, I realized that yes, it is like having a ‘virtual back office’ with just one problem; You still have to do ALL the work!

This fired me up to spread the concept we have created with even more fervency.  Much like that software, we also provide a ‘virtual back office.’  However, our concept has one vast difference.  We are a virtual back office.  When you partner with us, you are not relying on yourself to input info into the software correctly.  With our concept, you input the information, and our experts take care of making sure the info is handled correctly.  You just sit back, and know that your books are correct, and reports are readily available when you need them.

You are good at what you do.  We are good at what we do.  Let us handle the business so you can focus on your business, ministering to your church.