Church Email Address – Effectively using email for your ministry

Still thinking it is too difficult to have email addresses for your staff and volunteers at your churches domain?  Does your church have a domain?  Do you know what a domain is?

Chances are you do know what a domain is, just may not realize it.  A domain, or domain name, is the name you use online to access websites, email, etc.  Ever gone to  That is a domain name.

Has your church registered a domain name yet?  If the answer is no, then you are missing out.  Acquiring your churches domain is one of the simplest and cheapest ways to brand and market your church.  Once you’ve registered your domain, you can use it to direct visitors to your website or email addresses.

Is your church email something like ‘‘?  If so, you are definitely not presenting your church as professionally as possible.  @yahoo, @hotmail, @aol and @sbcglobal addresses are generic, impersonal and give visitors the impression that your church or ministry is not keeping up with modern technology.


1. Register your domain today.  Click here to see if your church name is available.

Some Ideas to Keep in Mind:
– Keep it Simple – there is nothing worse than a domain name that is difficult to remember.  The same holds true for a domain that is too long.  Try to keep the domain name short and obvious.
– Keep it Memorable – we’ve all been there, driving down the road and seen an advertisement for a website, only to get home and not remember the domain.
– Make it Personal – the simplest, and most obvious domain for your church is something that geo-locates you.  Something like, or more precisely

2. Develop an email nomenclature

pastor@, youth@, pastordave@, treasurer@ are all good examples.  For some of your more permanent staff members, you may even be more specific, steve@.  I would keep it simple, but consistent.  If you can email the pastor at the address steve@ don’t make your youth pastor jeff.smith@ or worse, teenrevolution@.  Once again, the rule of thumb is keep it simple, consistent and easy to remember.

There are also very simple ways to forward email addresses to multiple people, for instance, prayer@ could be sent to a group of people.

3. Advertise your domain

Put it on everything.  The world is moving where everything is going online, your church will need to be there sooner or later.  Might as well start now, your members already are.

Seem like too much?  Give us a call or send an email and we’ll gladly walk you through the process and set it up for you.  It really is that simple.