How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

It’s that time again, the time we all tell each other how we can’t believe how fast the previous year has gone by.  I will admit, 2010 has seemed to fly by.  It’s amazing how we start each week on Monday and before we know it, its Friday.  Time sure seems to be moving along quickly.

Question  of the week:

How will your church reach your community in 2011?

Here are some ideas:

Setup a plan to serve, without expecting return. I know, novel right?  But when was the last time your church did something for the community just because it was the right thing to do?  I’m not talking about doing something for the less fortunate.  I’m suggesting something that benefits everyone.  Some ideas we’ve seen before are:

– Gas Day – offer to pay a set amount per gallon at the local gas station.  Take it one step further and offer to pump for the person.  This is a good way to strike up a conversation and meet more people in the community.

– Car Wash – Have a day where you wash cars for people in the community.  While your local cheerleaders might get upset that you are taking a fundraiser from them, just do it because its the right thing to do.

– Oil Change – Have a day at the church parking lot where men will volunteer to change oil for single mothers.

– Rake Leaves – travel through neighborhoods and offer to rake leaves.

There are surely countless ideas and ways you can help out your community.  Ask your town mayor or other leaders about things that they know of.  It won’t hurt your church and will reap rewards for your congregation.  Remember, the question to ask yourself is:

If your church closed its doors, and left the community, would the the community know?