Our Mission Summed Up in Acts 6:2

[quote type=”center”] Then the Twelve summoned the whole company of the disciples and said, “It would not be right for us to give up preaching about God to handle financial matters” – Acts 6:2 (HCSB)[/quote]

I stumbled upon this verse during my quiet time over the weekend. I am always amazed how God puts things in front of us where the words almost just smack us in the face.

I quickly cross-referenced the verse and found that the Holman Christian Standard Bible is the only one that I found to use the words “Financial Matters.” However, it also led me to look at the verse more broadly. What is God trying to tell pastors here? I believe that this is a caution against putting anything before the preaching of the Word.

Now that being said, I am particularly biased to the HCSB’s version that mentions to not put financial matters before preaching. That verse sums up the mission of our company. We built the company to Focus on Business, So You Can Focus on Ministry around the idea that pastor’s are responsible for an enormous task when leading the church. They are also often ill-equipped to handle the business end of the church.

We built our concept to partner with churches to take care of the business aspects of the church. You can check out our range of services and ways we can help throughout the site.

God often interacts with us through the scriptures and I was excited to read and wanted to share!