Personalize Your Church Website

I’ve been working through a series of posts on tips for your church’s website. I have been making appeals to everyone involved in church leadership to not only get a website, but make it a good one. Visitors are far more likely to check out your website BEFORE they step foot in the door of your church. Many of them will form their opinion and perception of your church from that interaction.

[quote align=”center”]What perception are people getting from your website?[/quote]

Today I want to talk about personalizing your website. When someone gets to your site, is it easy to find out how to contact about certain ministries or questions? I’ve written about your church’s email address previously, but this will take it a step further. If I visit your church’s site, can I find out who the pastor is, get his email, and be able to ask him a question before I visit the church? Can I get in contact with your youth leader and ask about stuff for my kids?

Your website must be an extension of your ministries. When someone visits the church, hopefully, you are personable and make them feel welcome. The same should be true about your website. Don’t just put static, bland information out and hope it’ll be ok because guess what… It’s not ok.

What are you doing on your church’s website to make it personal?