Pursuing Excellence

Yesterday a Godly leader shared a message at Bethel Baptist Church. Norris Price share a message on pursuing excellence and how God deserves nothing less than our pursuit of excellence.

He shared about how are nature is to accept good enough and settle for mediocrity because many times, excellence is hard.

He defined excellence as in 4 parts:

Caring more than people think is wise;

Risking more than people think is safe;

Dreaming more than people think is practical;

Expecting more than people think is possible;

For a church, he asked us to think about what we experienced today that bring us back to visit again. Not that we are trying to put on a production, but what about the church provided an experience that was worth coming back for. He then challenged us to give our best to make that happen. Many times, organizations are blamed when in reality it is a lack of excellence in the people. If you go to a business, and are not treated well, then that business is bad. In reality, however, that business may be great, but that person was bad.

The same thing happens in church. We visit, have a poor experience with a person or individual, and suddenly, that church is bad. Are you giving your best so that people experience excellence when they visit your church?

I’m interested in hearing what your church or organization is doing to pursue excellence.