Where Have We Been?

that’s a great question, things have been so busy for us over the past few months that we have neglected the blog. We still have several projects on the docket, but will be making a conscious effort to get the blog updated and attend to it. Expect some good things from us very soon as… Continue reading Where Have We Been?

Michael Allen – Testimonial

“Axess Network Rocks! Saves us money, provides professional book keeping services…innovative!” Michael Allen, Sr. Pastor Uptown Baptist Church Chicago Send City Coordinator – NAMB

Vance Vyers – Testimonial

“If you have a need for website design, an answering service, bookkeeping or payroll, or other administrative concerns, Axess Network is the answer for you.” Vance Vyers – Pastor Damascus Road Fellowship

Andy Dayton – Testimonial

“Our Website used to be a thorn in my side, but The Church Business Guys (Axess Network) have made our website fun and easy to work with.” Andy Dayton – Pastor Leavenworth Church of the Nazarene

Are you Making a Good First Impression?

I started my career post college as a golf pro. I was the one standing behind the counter at the course taking money, scheduling tee times, etc., etc. Some guys would think that is a great job… I’d beg to differ, but that’s another story. There were quite a few things, however, that I picked… Continue reading Are you Making a Good First Impression?

Riding The Wave

Some good things are happening here with our company. In the past few months we have experienced some rapid growth, added some new products and formed some solid new connections that we know will provide mutually beneficial relationships. Just a quick note to update on what is happening: We are discussing with the North American… Continue reading Riding The Wave

Our People Won’t Use That

That is a statement that I’ve heard over and over again. Too many churches are neglecting to have a functional, attractive website because they have fallen victim to the allusion that their church doesn’t need one. This statement can also be a window into a deeper issue about their stance towards reaching new people. For… Continue reading Our People Won’t Use That

Who Runs Your Church?

Pastor, Who runs your church? Now I know the ‘churchy’ answer is God, and ultimately that is entirely correct. Without God at the head of our churches we are nothing more than a social club. What I am asking here is who controls your church church. I’ve met with far too many pastors who, while… Continue reading Who Runs Your Church?

Our Mission Summed Up in Acts 6:2

[quote type=”center”] Then the Twelve summoned the whole company of the disciples and said, “It would not be right for us to give up preaching about God to handle financial matters” – Acts 6:2 (HCSB)[/quote] I stumbled upon this verse during my quiet time over the weekend. I am always amazed how God puts things… Continue reading Our Mission Summed Up in Acts 6:2

Where’s Your Staff?

This week for our Church Website Wednesday, I want to provide another idea for making your website more personal to visitors. A client of ours, Cornerstone Christian Church in Shiloh, Illinois, setup their staff page in a very unique way that I thought was a great idea. They put a brief introduction with a picture… Continue reading Where’s Your Staff?