Are you Making a Good First Impression?

I started my career post college as a golf pro. I was the one standing behind the counter at the course taking money, scheduling tee times, etc., etc. Some guys would think that is a great job… I’d beg to differ, but that’s another story. There were quite a few things, however, that I picked… Continue reading Are you Making a Good First Impression?

Nothing Better Than a Personal Invitation

I spent sometime this morning listening to the Rick & Bubba Show on my way into town. They brought up something that I wasn’t aware of going on this Sunday. Sunday, September 18, 2011 is National Back to Church Sunday. Some interesting facts were shared. “Only two percent of church members invite an un-churched person… Continue reading Nothing Better Than a Personal Invitation

What does your website say about your church?

The question is very simple.  When someone visits your church website, what impression are they getting of your church? We visit church websites from around the country trying to get a pulse on what people are doing.  We see some great, some good, and many terrible!  In a day where the Internet is so prevalent,… Continue reading What does your website say about your church?

Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) | Though most churches have a website, there is a divide between congregations that use their sites only for one-way communication and those that maximize their online presence with interactive technology. That is the finding of a new LifeWay Research study sponsored by Axletree Media, one of LifeWay’s partners in its Digital… Continue reading Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

Are Your Guests Willing to Come Back?

Lifeway put out a good article last week about your church and it’s openness to guests.  Of course we all say we’re friendly, we all say our doors are open and inviting, and we all SAY that guests are important to us.  But is that portrayed in how we’ve aligned our priorities of our worship… Continue reading Are Your Guests Willing to Come Back?