RT Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports

See the post from Ed Stetzer’s blog about the top issues that church planters face. Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports.

Planting the Seed

I’ve heard several people talk about presenting the Gospel as “planting the seed.”  While this is a great illustration, I’ve found that using that term can sometimes be a cop out to neglect responsibility.  Many will share with the church community that they are planting the seeds, and then letting God do the work.  While… Continue reading Planting the Seed

Franchise Model for Church Plants

I own a Medicine Shoppe pharmacy.  Med Shoppe’s are franchises and in the years I have owned the store, I have come to see the many great aspects of the franchise model as well as the bad.  For the past few weeks, I have been working through in my mind how to take the franchise… Continue reading Franchise Model for Church Plants