Jumpstart 2012

It’s hard to believe, but 2011 is almost over.  As I say every year, it seems that 2011 just started a few months ago.  Time is definitely flying by. Having a few days off for the Christmas Holiday was great. Not only did it allow me to slow down for a bit, but I also… Continue reading Jumpstart 2012

The Real Cost of Free

One of the greatest fallacies in our culture is the perception of ‘free’.  That simple word sounds so good to people, yet few realize that it is actually a misnomer.  There really is nothing free.  (Except salvation through Jesus Christ, but even that cost Jesus his life.) Every time something is offered for free, someone,… Continue reading The Real Cost of Free

Have you found a helpful messenger?

Thom Rainer posted on his blog today insights about the “Quest for Helpful Messengers.”  He hit the nail dead on with his post.  As leaders, we do often devote our attention to people from two camps.  We have the first camp of people that feed our ego and continually praise our efforts.  These people in… Continue reading Have you found a helpful messenger?

RT Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports

See the post from Ed Stetzer’s blog about the top issues that church planters face. Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports.

Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

For the next few days, we’ll be posting articles from a friend of ours, Stephen Boster, KCI Campus Pastor for Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO.  Stephen released a post a few months ago that got me thinking, do we as pastors fall victim to ‘lusting’ after other ministries?  Take a few minutes… Continue reading Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) | Though most churches have a website, there is a divide between congregations that use their sites only for one-way communication and those that maximize their online presence with interactive technology. That is the finding of a new LifeWay Research study sponsored by Axletree Media, one of LifeWay’s partners in its Digital… Continue reading Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

It’s that time again, the time we all tell each other how we can’t believe how fast the previous year has gone by.  I will admit, 2010 has seemed to fly by.  It’s amazing how we start each week on Monday and before we know it, its Friday.  Time sure seems to be moving along… Continue reading How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

Maintaining Balance Part 3 – Your Church

Let’s face it.  In many cases our modern churches have become much more than just a gathering place to worship.  We have added daycare, schools, coffee shops, bookstores, free wi-fi, etc., etc., etc.  Now there is nothing inherently bad with these things, and for the most part they are great tools for reaching new people… Continue reading Maintaining Balance Part 3 – Your Church

Maintaining Balance Part 2 – What are Your Priorities…

I have always been in awe when reading stories of business owners, executives and other leaders that talk about only getting 3-4 hours of sleep per night. I am in awe as I wake up dreary from my 8 hour nightly nap. How are they able to function on such little sleep? And, the more… Continue reading Maintaining Balance Part 2 – What are Your Priorities…