Our Mission Summed Up in Acts 6:2

[quote type=”center”] Then the Twelve summoned the whole company of the disciples and said, “It would not be right for us to give up preaching about God to handle financial matters” – Acts 6:2 (HCSB)[/quote] I stumbled upon this verse during my quiet time over the weekend. I am always amazed how God puts things… Continue reading Our Mission Summed Up in Acts 6:2

Jumpstart 2012

It’s hard to believe, but 2011 is almost over.  As I say every year, it seems that 2011 just started a few months ago.  Time is definitely flying by. Having a few days off for the Christmas Holiday was great. Not only did it allow me to slow down for a bit, but I also… Continue reading Jumpstart 2012

Spending time with family or Investing time with family?

Jon Acuff recently posted a very thought provoking blog post about the time we all spend with family. If you don’t follow Jon’s blog or on Facebook, I’d strongly encourage it. In the post, he uses an illustration that many of us believe that our physical presence is enough. In some way, we convince ourselves… Continue reading Spending time with family or Investing time with family?

Prefers Traditional Music…

I was perusing through a list of churches seeking pastors and saw a job description with those three words, “Prefers Traditional Music”. I know the debate over traditional vs. contemporary worship will continue to divide this side of heaven. However, what does it say about the openness of your church by making that statement?

Fun for Fridays

Always good to get a laugh on Friday. Saw the video below earlier this week and had to share. I always love a good parody. and another bonus.

What does September 11 mean to you?

Like everyone else that owns a television I was inundated with reminders of the September 11 tragedy that happened just 10 years ago.  As I flipped through the channels, saw the tributes at the NFL games, and watched the news channels each having their own take on what to present, a flood of emotions came… Continue reading What does September 11 mean to you?

Pursuing Excellence

Yesterday a Godly leader shared a message at Bethel Baptist Church. Norris Price share a message on pursuing excellence and how God deserves nothing less than our pursuit of excellence. He shared about how are nature is to accept good enough and settle for mediocrity because many times, excellence is hard. He defined excellence as… Continue reading Pursuing Excellence

CBG Fun 4 Fridays

Interesting and humorous response about James and what he might have gone through as Jesus’ brother.  Thanks Thom Rainer for having it on your blog.

End of the World Predictions

People claiming to predict the end of the world is nothing new.  The list if vast of people claiming to be able to decipher the book of Revelation or have special insight into doomsday prophecies.  What can we take from these guesses? As evangelicals, they out to be a wake cup call reminder of our… Continue reading End of the World Predictions

Your Church Blog: A Pastor’s Thoughts on Knowing What People Give

I recently read a blog article where Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church explained how his thoughts have changed regarding pastors knowing about the giving patterns of his congregation. I’ll admit, at first, I was adamant about pastors not knowing, however, after reading through Larry’s points, I can see some benefit in knowing.  My… Continue reading Your Church Blog: A Pastor’s Thoughts on Knowing What People Give