Top Reasons to Accept Online Giving

LifeWay research revealed earlier this year that only 14% of U.S. Protestant churches offer online giving. That means that although 78% of churches have a Website, an even higher number–86%–of churches offer no method for online giving. It’s most commonly offered in larger churches, and usually has only been in place for one to two… Continue reading Top Reasons to Accept Online Giving

Our People Won’t Use That

That is a statement that I’ve heard over and over again. Too many churches are neglecting to have a functional, attractive website because they have fallen victim to the allusion that their church doesn’t need one. This statement can also be a window into a deeper issue about their stance towards reaching new people. For… Continue reading Our People Won’t Use That

Open Your Doors to the Web World

Church Website Wednesday [quote align=”center”]85% of first time visitors are looking for your website BEFORE they step foot in your doors.[/quote] I use that statistic a lot, but only because it is one of the most valuable stats I have found to reveal the importance of a quality, well-designed church website. If 85% of first… Continue reading Open Your Doors to the Web World

Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Church Website Wednesdays After looking at hundreds of church websites, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I am going to attempt in a weekly series to provide tips, ideas and examples to help you better utilize your website as a ministry tool. I’ve already written several posts about the necessity for… Continue reading Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Video Conferencing – Getting Started

One of the things I have learned in building our business is how much I enjoy taking advantage of video conferencing with clients. For me, there is just something about getting to see that person’s face vs. just the audio of their voice on the phone. I also really find it useful to help our… Continue reading Video Conferencing – Getting Started

Facebook for your Ministry

I get asked all the time by pastors and church leaders about Facebook. Most are at the point that they are seeing the need, but are having trouble taking the first step to get started. I repeatedly assure pastors that Facebook is one of the most effective means of communication available for ministry. Why? Because… Continue reading Facebook for your Ministry

Church Social Media

I was talking with a new client over the weekend about their new website. Quickly, the conversation took an obvious shift to social media. We set their site up to utilize some blogging software so that they can update information and keep their site current. I was also able to provide a couple ideas in… Continue reading Church Social Media

What’s in an… email address?

I know there are many things about technology that seem intimidating.  I will attempt to explain the simplicity and reasoning behind having email addresses setup with your domain.  In general, I realize that most people go to gmail, yahoo or the others and just get an email for simplicity sake.  I’ll admit, it is very… Continue reading What’s in an… email address?

Church Financial Backup & Recovery Plan

Have you given thought to what would happen if your bookkeeper got sick or had to be away for an extended period of time?   What if heaven forbid something devastating happened to your facility?   Do you have sufficient backup & recovery plans in place for your church?     [quote]We have a seamless… Continue reading Church Financial Backup & Recovery Plan

Social Media For Your Ministry Part 1

I repeatedly get asked by pastors and church leaders about Facebook. Each time the conversation is similiar; usually a pastor that understands the need to utilize facebook for their ministry, yet is concerned about losing the personal touch with people. Scott Ginsberg, a great author and friend of mine recently posted on his Twitter feed… Continue reading Social Media For Your Ministry Part 1