Open Your Doors to the Web World

Church Website Wednesday [quote align=”center”]85% of first time visitors are looking for your website BEFORE they step foot in your doors.[/quote] I use that statistic a lot, but only because it is one of the most valuable stats I have found to reveal the importance of a quality, well-designed church website. If 85% of first… Continue reading Open Your Doors to the Web World

Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Church Website Wednesdays After looking at hundreds of church websites, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I am going to attempt in a weekly series to provide tips, ideas and examples to help you better utilize your website as a ministry tool. I’ve already written several posts about the necessity for… Continue reading Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Prefers Traditional Music…

I was perusing through a list of churches seeking pastors and saw a job description with those three words, “Prefers Traditional Music”. I know the debate over traditional vs. contemporary worship will continue to divide this side of heaven. However, what does it say about the openness of your church by making that statement?

Facebook for your Ministry

I get asked all the time by pastors and church leaders about Facebook. Most are at the point that they are seeing the need, but are having trouble taking the first step to get started. I repeatedly assure pastors that Facebook is one of the most effective means of communication available for ministry. Why? Because… Continue reading Facebook for your Ministry

Nothing Better Than a Personal Invitation

I spent sometime this morning listening to the Rick & Bubba Show on my way into town. They brought up something that I wasn’t aware of going on this Sunday. Sunday, September 18, 2011 is National Back to Church Sunday. Some interesting facts were shared. “Only two percent of church members invite an un-churched person… Continue reading Nothing Better Than a Personal Invitation

Pursuing Excellence

Yesterday a Godly leader shared a message at Bethel Baptist Church. Norris Price share a message on pursuing excellence and how God deserves nothing less than our pursuit of excellence. He shared about how are nature is to accept good enough and settle for mediocrity because many times, excellence is hard. He defined excellence as… Continue reading Pursuing Excellence

Success Analysis for Churches

I had the chance to talk on a local radio show this afternoon.  We went into the show expecting to talk about independence but the topic quickly moved to churches and effectively managing change.  It was interesting that we were able to cover several topics in relation which were all things I had been processing… Continue reading Success Analysis for Churches

End of the World Predictions

People claiming to predict the end of the world is nothing new.  The list if vast of people claiming to be able to decipher the book of Revelation or have special insight into doomsday prophecies.  What can we take from these guesses? As evangelicals, they out to be a wake cup call reminder of our… Continue reading End of the World Predictions