Where’s Your Staff?

This week for our Church Website Wednesday, I want to provide another idea for making your website more personal to visitors. A client of ours, Cornerstone Christian Church in Shiloh, Illinois, setup their staff page in a very unique way that I thought was a great idea. They put a brief introduction with a picture… Continue reading Where’s Your Staff?

Personalize Your Church Website

I’ve been working through a series of posts on tips for your church’s website. I have been making appeals to everyone involved in church leadership to not only get a website, but make it a good one. Visitors are far more likely to check out your website BEFORE they step foot in the door of… Continue reading Personalize Your Church Website

Open Your Doors to the Web World

Church Website Wednesday [quote align=”center”]85% of first time visitors are looking for your website BEFORE they step foot in your doors.[/quote] I use that statistic a lot, but only because it is one of the most valuable stats I have found to reveal the importance of a quality, well-designed church website. If 85% of first… Continue reading Open Your Doors to the Web World

Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Church Website Wednesdays After looking at hundreds of church websites, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I am going to attempt in a weekly series to provide tips, ideas and examples to help you better utilize your website as a ministry tool. I’ve already written several posts about the necessity for… Continue reading Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.