Church Web Presence Checklist

Just like the picture suggests, your church’s website needs to be a piece of your ministry.  The advantages available on the web to your church are so vast and inexpensive that churches not taking advantage of them are really missing out.  The list below is not comprehensive, but gives a good starting point for your… Continue reading Church Web Presence Checklist

Assimilation in Your Church

When someone visits or wants to join your church, what is your process for assimilation? I was recently at a large church in Kansas City and saw a great process for assimilating people into their congregation.  They had it figured out.  They had it described on a poster, in simple, clear, concrete language that made… Continue reading Assimilation in Your Church

Top 10 Reasons to Re-Design your Church’s Website

Top Ten Reasons to Redesign Your Church’s Website by: Josh Henry 10. Your current site is utilizing outdated technology. Unfortunately, trends on the web change faster than most of us can keep up with.  However, it is possible to build your site in a way that keeps it open to changing trends.  For a site… Continue reading Top 10 Reasons to Re-Design your Church’s Website

Google Apps for your Church – UPDATE

As a followup to a previous post about Google Apps for your Church, I recently found out that on May 10, 2011, Google will be limiting the amount of users for the Free Accounts from 50 to 10.  If you were wanting to implement the free version with more than 10 users, you’ll need to… Continue reading Google Apps for your Church – UPDATE

Google Apps For Your Church

By: Josh Henry, Managing Partner In my years of working with churches to help with their IT and communication needs, I have come across some great resources.  For many years, the options available to help churches from an IT standpoint where very costly.  Not only where they expensive to purchase and deploy, but they also… Continue reading Google Apps For Your Church

What does your website say about your church?

The question is very simple.  When someone visits your church website, what impression are they getting of your church? We visit church websites from around the country trying to get a pulse on what people are doing.  We see some great, some good, and many terrible!  In a day where the Internet is so prevalent,… Continue reading What does your website say about your church?

churches and ‘the cloud’

I recently read this post by Ed Stetzer about churches taking advantage of recent updates to technology.  How is your church taking advantage of what is available today? What steps is your church taking to utilize technology to make your ministries more effective?  Do you still have one computer in the secretary’s office that… Continue reading churches and ‘the cloud’