Taking Risks for God

Joe Lawson, DOM for the Rehohoboth Baptist Assocation preached at Bethel Baptist Church yesterday about truly stretching your faith to expect God to do something BIG!  So many times we sit comfortably with our faith.  We know God, we trust God, but we don’t ask God to do the extraordinary.  I heard a quote on the… Continue reading Taking Risks for God

churches and ‘the cloud’

I recently read this post by Ed Stetzer about churches taking advantage of recent updates to technology.  How is your church taking advantage of what is available today? http://www.edstetzer.com/2011/03/churches-and-the-cloud.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+Edstetzercom+(EdStetzer.com) What steps is your church taking to utilize technology to make your ministries more effective?  Do you still have one computer in the secretary’s office that… Continue reading churches and ‘the cloud’

Eyes Forward – Ministry Lusting Day 4

By Stephen Boster As a youth in Augusta, Georgia, a summer staple involved a trip to a Georgian or South Carolinian beach.  Imagine pubescence at its finest as young man.  As we parked the bus and began walking over the sand hill to the beach and open waves, I distinctly remember the youth pastor saying,… Continue reading Eyes Forward – Ministry Lusting Day 4

Ministry Lust Day 3 … Context Is King

By Stephen Boster – Last spring, I had the opportunity to teach New Testament at Park University in Parkville, MO, a great school with great folks.  As I taught, a used a certain phrase in every class period – Context is King, stressing the importance of reading the scriptures and understanding them in their context. … Continue reading Ministry Lust Day 3 … Context Is King

Ministry Pornography???

In the previous blog entry, I made mention of the danger of Ministry Pornography, defined as lusting after other ministries and taking my eyes of the context of where God has me serving. For the past eight years, I have been serving at Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in the Kansas City, MO area.  I first… Continue reading Ministry Pornography???

Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

For the next few days, we’ll be posting articles from a friend of ours, Stephen Boster, KCI Campus Pastor for Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO.  Stephen released a post a few months ago that got me thinking, do we as pastors fall victim to ‘lusting’ after other ministries?  Take a few minutes… Continue reading Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

M11 Conference

We just got back from the M11 conference for the Nazarene church.  We really enjoyed our time there and made some great connections with churches and leaders.  Really looking forward to what God has in store from those relationships formed.

Are you tracking healthy giving in your church?

We’ve been doing a lot of research recently about increasing your churches giving base.  Let’s face it, money is a difficult topic to bring up in church, yet it is also one of the most talked about subjects in the Bible.  Why is it that we have so much trouble talking about money in church? … Continue reading Are you tracking healthy giving in your church?

Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) | Though most churches have a website, there is a divide between congregations that use their sites only for one-way communication and those that maximize their online presence with interactive technology. That is the finding of a new LifeWay Research study sponsored by Axletree Media, one of LifeWay’s partners in its Digital… Continue reading Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

The Brick – Is God Getting Your Attention

Got this in an email today and it was too good to pass up. THE BRICK A young and successful executive was traveling down a neighborhood street, going a bit too fast in his new Jaguar.. He was watching for kids darting out from between parked cars and slowed down when he thought he saw something.… Continue reading The Brick – Is God Getting Your Attention