Your Church Blog: A Pastor’s Thoughts on Knowing What People Give

I recently read a blog article where Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church explained how his thoughts have changed regarding pastors knowing about the giving patterns of his congregation. I’ll admit, at first, I was adamant about pastors not knowing, however, after reading through Larry’s points, I can see some benefit in knowing.  My… Continue reading Your Church Blog: A Pastor’s Thoughts on Knowing What People Give

Google Apps for your Church – UPDATE

As a followup to a previous post about Google Apps for your Church, I recently found out that on May 10, 2011, Google will be limiting the amount of users for the Free Accounts from 50 to 10.  If you were wanting to implement the free version with more than 10 users, you’ll need to… Continue reading Google Apps for your Church – UPDATE

Have you found a helpful messenger?

Thom Rainer posted on his blog today insights about the “Quest for Helpful Messengers.”  He hit the nail dead on with his post.  As leaders, we do often devote our attention to people from two camps.  We have the first camp of people that feed our ego and continually praise our efforts.  These people in… Continue reading Have you found a helpful messenger?

A Tax Credit for Churches?

The health Care Reform law has some provisions for churches to take advantage of a tax credit for health care premiums paid to employees.  There are several contingencies required and it definately benefits smaller organizations but the video is worth watching. The credit is payable in cash since churches generally do not pay taxes. Check… Continue reading A Tax Credit for Churches?

Google Apps For Your Church

By: Josh Henry, Managing Partner In my years of working with churches to help with their IT and communication needs, I have come across some great resources.  For many years, the options available to help churches from an IT standpoint where very costly.  Not only where they expensive to purchase and deploy, but they also… Continue reading Google Apps For Your Church

RT Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports

See the post from Ed Stetzer’s blog about the top issues that church planters face. Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports.

Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

A growing trend among evangelical pastors is to focus on their attendance numbers.  Many have even joked about pastoral counting, which basically means that pastors inflate numbers to make their ministry look larger.  We all know that our society has become enthralled with the notion that bigger is better.  Unfortunately, in ministry we have also… Continue reading Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

Your Church Blog: Can Social Media Get a Church Sued?

Your Church Blog: Can Social Media Get a Church Sued?. Recent incidents involving alleged misuses of social media in both the public and private sectors have government officials and business executives scrambling to implement social media policies for employees. Church leaders should take the opportunity to do the same before a situation arises, casting negative… Continue reading Your Church Blog: Can Social Media Get a Church Sued?

Eyes Forward – Ministry Lusting Day 4

By Stephen Boster As a youth in Augusta, Georgia, a summer staple involved a trip to a Georgian or South Carolinian beach.  Imagine pubescence at its finest as young man.  As we parked the bus and began walking over the sand hill to the beach and open waves, I distinctly remember the youth pastor saying,… Continue reading Eyes Forward – Ministry Lusting Day 4

Ministry Lust Day 3 … Context Is King

By Stephen Boster – Last spring, I had the opportunity to teach New Testament at Park University in Parkville, MO, a great school with great folks.  As I taught, a used a certain phrase in every class period – Context is King, stressing the importance of reading the scriptures and understanding them in their context. … Continue reading Ministry Lust Day 3 … Context Is King