Google Apps For Your Church

By: Josh Henry, Managing Partner In my years of working with churches to help with their IT and communication needs, I have come across some great resources.  For many years, the options available to help churches from an IT standpoint where very costly.  Not only where they expensive to purchase and deploy, but they also… Continue reading Google Apps For Your Church

Effective Church Communications

I recently happened upon a blog post in Outreach Magazine entitled “The Next Thing in Church Conferences“.  After reading through the post, it was less about new church conferences and more about effective communication principles.  The article talks about how most conferences have a basic programmatic structure that doesn’t lend much room for interaction other… Continue reading Effective Church Communications

Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

A growing trend among evangelical pastors is to focus on their attendance numbers.  Many have even joked about pastoral counting, which basically means that pastors inflate numbers to make their ministry look larger.  We all know that our society has become enthralled with the notion that bigger is better.  Unfortunately, in ministry we have also… Continue reading Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

Are Your Guests Willing to Come Back?

Lifeway put out a good article last week about your church and it’s openness to guests.  Of course we all say we’re friendly, we all say our doors are open and inviting, and we all SAY that guests are important to us.  But is that portrayed in how we’ve aligned our priorities of our worship… Continue reading Are Your Guests Willing to Come Back? Helps Church Obtain Financing for a Building Purchase

We had the privilege of seeing a project come to completion today.  We were able to attend the closing on a new building for New Visions World Ministries.  This project has taken several months and required quite a few hours of document and report preparation. We were able to prepare all the financial statements, prepare… Continue reading Helps Church Obtain Financing for a Building Purchase

Your Virtual Back Office

I saw a commercial last night for a business software program (which will remain nameless) that says it’s like having a ‘virtual back office.’  I was instantly intrigued because, after all, that is a catch phrase we have been using.  After watching the commercial, I realized that yes, it is like having a ‘virtual back… Continue reading Your Virtual Back Office

Franchise Model for Church Plants

I own a Medicine Shoppe pharmacy.  Med Shoppe’s are franchises and in the years I have owned the store, I have come to see the many great aspects of the franchise model as well as the bad.  For the past few weeks, I have been working through in my mind how to take the franchise… Continue reading Franchise Model for Church Plants

Team Leadership for your church

I recently completed reading “The Power of Team Leadership” by Charles Barna.  While the premise at first seemed simple and I questioned how a complete book could be written about something that appeared obvious, I was amazed at the detail and analysis provided.  Mr. Barna took great time in providing a very compelling presentation of… Continue reading Team Leadership for your church

Do you Expect Your Pastor to be Superman?

I am reading a book by Charles Barna, ‘The Power of Team Leadership’.  Just a few pages into the book detailed exactly why our company exists.  In the book, Mr. Barna is stating the case that our (churches) have set the standard required of their leader so high that successfully accomplishing it would be unnattainable. … Continue reading Do you Expect Your Pastor to be Superman?

Time Management – Podcast Featuring Pastor Robert Weaver