Are you Friends with God on Facebook or do you Follow Him on Twitter?

That question hit me this morning.  Not that I am trying to reduce God to a facebook friend or twitter feed, but rather, do I seek God with the same veracity that I check Facebook and Twitter?  I thought about it this morning. My general routine is to get up, head to the restroom, where… Continue reading Are you Friends with God on Facebook or do you Follow Him on Twitter?

What does your website say about your church?

The question is very simple.  When someone visits your church website, what impression are they getting of your church? We visit church websites from around the country trying to get a pulse on what people are doing.  We see some great, some good, and many terrible!  In a day where the Internet is so prevalent,… Continue reading What does your website say about your church?

Effective Church Communications

I recently happened upon a blog post in Outreach Magazine entitled “The Next Thing in Church Conferences“.  After reading through the post, it was less about new church conferences and more about effective communication principles.  The article talks about how most conferences have a basic programmatic structure that doesn’t lend much room for interaction other… Continue reading Effective Church Communications

Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (BP) | Though most churches have a website, there is a divide between congregations that use their sites only for one-way communication and those that maximize their online presence with interactive technology. That is the finding of a new LifeWay Research study sponsored by Axletree Media, one of LifeWay’s partners in its Digital… Continue reading Churches have websites but many aren’t utilizing them, LifeWay survey finds By David Roach

How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

It’s that time again, the time we all tell each other how we can’t believe how fast the previous year has gone by.  I will admit, 2010 has seemed to fly by.  It’s amazing how we start each week on Monday and before we know it, its Friday.  Time sure seems to be moving along… Continue reading How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

Church Email Address – Effectively using email for your ministry

Still thinking it is too difficult to have email addresses for your staff and volunteers at your churches domain?  Does your church have a domain?  Do you know what a domain is? Chances are you do know what a domain is, just may not realize it.  A domain, or domain name, is the name you… Continue reading Church Email Address – Effectively using email for your ministry

Video Teleconferencing for Cheap

We needed a good way to stay in contact with our clients, especially those that were hours away.  I spent a lot of time looking for good solutions for video teleconferencing but failed to find any that provided what we needed, at a cost that was feasible, until now. We have started using Skype here… Continue reading Video Teleconferencing for Cheap