End of the World Predictions

People claiming to predict the end of the world is nothing new.  The list if vast of people claiming to be able to decipher the book of Revelation or have special insight into doomsday prophecies.  What can we take from these guesses? As evangelicals, they out to be a wake cup call reminder of our… Continue reading End of the World Predictions

Your Church Blog: A Pastor’s Thoughts on Knowing What People Give

I recently read a blog article where Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church explained how his thoughts have changed regarding pastors knowing about the giving patterns of his congregation. I’ll admit, at first, I was adamant about pastors not knowing, however, after reading through Larry’s points, I can see some benefit in knowing.  My… Continue reading Your Church Blog: A Pastor’s Thoughts on Knowing What People Give

Have you found a helpful messenger?

Thom Rainer posted on his blog today insights about the “Quest for Helpful Messengers.”  He hit the nail dead on with his post.  As leaders, we do often devote our attention to people from two camps.  We have the first camp of people that feed our ego and continually praise our efforts.  These people in… Continue reading Have you found a helpful messenger?

Effective Church Communications

I recently happened upon a blog post in Outreach Magazine entitled “The Next Thing in Church Conferences“.  After reading through the post, it was less about new church conferences and more about effective communication principles.  The article talks about how most conferences have a basic programmatic structure that doesn’t lend much room for interaction other… Continue reading Effective Church Communications

Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

A growing trend among evangelical pastors is to focus on their attendance numbers.  Many have even joked about pastoral counting, which basically means that pastors inflate numbers to make their ministry look larger.  We all know that our society has become enthralled with the notion that bigger is better.  Unfortunately, in ministry we have also… Continue reading Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

Taking Risks for God

Joe Lawson, DOM for the Rehohoboth Baptist Assocation preached at Bethel Baptist Church yesterday about truly stretching your faith to expect God to do something BIG!  So many times we sit comfortably with our faith.  We know God, we trust God, but we don’t ask God to do the extraordinary.  I heard a quote on the… Continue reading Taking Risks for God

Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

For the next few days, we’ll be posting articles from a friend of ours, Stephen Boster, KCI Campus Pastor for Pleasant Valley Baptist Church in Kansas City, MO.  Stephen released a post a few months ago that got me thinking, do we as pastors fall victim to ‘lusting’ after other ministries?  Take a few minutes… Continue reading Ministry Lusting – Day 1 Into the Field

Are you tracking healthy giving in your church?

We’ve been doing a lot of research recently about increasing your churches giving base.  Let’s face it, money is a difficult topic to bring up in church, yet it is also one of the most talked about subjects in the Bible.  Why is it that we have so much trouble talking about money in church? … Continue reading Are you tracking healthy giving in your church?

How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

It’s that time again, the time we all tell each other how we can’t believe how fast the previous year has gone by.  I will admit, 2010 has seemed to fly by.  It’s amazing how we start each week on Monday and before we know it, its Friday.  Time sure seems to be moving along… Continue reading How will your church reach your community in the New Year?

Franchise Model for Church Plants

I own a Medicine Shoppe pharmacy.  Med Shoppe’s are franchises and in the years I have owned the store, I have come to see the many great aspects of the franchise model as well as the bad.  For the past few weeks, I have been working through in my mind how to take the franchise… Continue reading Franchise Model for Church Plants