Google Apps For Your Church

By: Josh Henry, Managing Partner In my years of working with churches to help with their IT and communication needs, I have come across some great resources.  For many years, the options available to help churches from an IT standpoint where very costly.  Not only where they expensive to purchase and deploy, but they also… Continue reading Google Apps For Your Church

Are you Friends with God on Facebook or do you Follow Him on Twitter?

That question hit me this morning.  Not that I am trying to reduce God to a facebook friend or twitter feed, but rather, do I seek God with the same veracity that I check Facebook and Twitter?  I thought about it this morning. My general routine is to get up, head to the restroom, where… Continue reading Are you Friends with God on Facebook or do you Follow Him on Twitter?

RT Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports

See the post from Ed Stetzer’s blog about the top issues that church planters face. Ed Stetzer – Top Issues Church Planters Face Reports.

What does your website say about your church?

The question is very simple.  When someone visits your church website, what impression are they getting of your church? We visit church websites from around the country trying to get a pulse on what people are doing.  We see some great, some good, and many terrible!  In a day where the Internet is so prevalent,… Continue reading What does your website say about your church?

Planting the Seed

I’ve heard several people talk about presenting the Gospel as “planting the seed.”  While this is a great illustration, I’ve found that using that term can sometimes be a cop out to neglect responsibility.  Many will share with the church community that they are planting the seeds, and then letting God do the work.  While… Continue reading Planting the Seed

How Do We Avoid Alienating Un-Believers?

I was at a banquet last night where several pastors were there to pray for the evening.  One of the pastors gave the invocation for the meal and blessed the evening.  As he got up to pray, before he began, he took a minute to share the Gospel.  However, his sharing of the Gospel was… Continue reading How Do We Avoid Alienating Un-Believers?

Effective Church Communications

I recently happened upon a blog post in Outreach Magazine entitled “The Next Thing in Church Conferences“.  After reading through the post, it was less about new church conferences and more about effective communication principles.  The article talks about how most conferences have a basic programmatic structure that doesn’t lend much room for interaction other… Continue reading Effective Church Communications

Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

A growing trend among evangelical pastors is to focus on their attendance numbers.  Many have even joked about pastoral counting, which basically means that pastors inflate numbers to make their ministry look larger.  We all know that our society has become enthralled with the notion that bigger is better.  Unfortunately, in ministry we have also… Continue reading Aware of But Not Focused on Church Numbers

Are you Speaking Visitor’s Language?

I have recently become aware (and maybe overly sensitive) to Christianese.  That language we speak at church using terms and idioms that we as Christians understand, but leave non-believers wondering.  These terms have recently begun to stick out to me like neon signs.  Terms used both from the pulpit, but also from those sitting in… Continue reading Are you Speaking Visitor’s Language?

Your Church Blog: Can Social Media Get a Church Sued?

Your Church Blog: Can Social Media Get a Church Sued?. Recent incidents involving alleged misuses of social media in both the public and private sectors have government officials and business executives scrambling to implement social media policies for employees. Church leaders should take the opportunity to do the same before a situation arises, casting negative… Continue reading Your Church Blog: Can Social Media Get a Church Sued?