Jumpstart 2012

It’s hard to believe, but 2011 is almost over.  As I say every year, it seems that 2011 just started a few months ago.  Time is definitely flying by. Having a few days off for the Christmas Holiday was great. Not only did it allow me to slow down for a bit, but I also… Continue reading Jumpstart 2012

Personalize Your Church Website

I’ve been working through a series of posts on tips for your church’s website. I have been making appeals to everyone involved in church leadership to not only get a website, but make it a good one. Visitors are far more likely to check out your website BEFORE they step foot in the door of… Continue reading Personalize Your Church Website

Contribution Management

Faithful givers are the life-blood of an organization. You rely on the members of your church being faithful stewards of the resources God has given to them. Return that favor. Be a faithful steward of what they have given to you.

We can help you manage those gifts.

Open Your Doors to the Web World

Church Website Wednesday [quote align=”center”]85% of first time visitors are looking for your website BEFORE they step foot in your doors.[/quote] I use that statistic a lot, but only because it is one of the most valuable stats I have found to reveal the importance of a quality, well-designed church website. If 85% of first… Continue reading Open Your Doors to the Web World

Only 6 Sundays Left…

Only 6 Sundays Left… Before the end of 2011. Pastor, now is the time to begin to remind member’s that their donations must be received by December 31st to be counted in this giving year. December 31st this year is a Saturday. What are you doing to encourage year end giving? Let me suggest five… Continue reading Only 6 Sundays Left…

Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Church Website Wednesdays After looking at hundreds of church websites, I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly. I am going to attempt in a weekly series to provide tips, ideas and examples to help you better utilize your website as a ministry tool. I’ve already written several posts about the necessity for… Continue reading Your Church Website as a Ministry Tool.

Spending time with family or Investing time with family?

Jon Acuff recently posted a very thought provoking blog post about the time we all spend with family. If you don’t follow Jon’s blog or on Facebook, I’d strongly encourage it. In the post, he uses an illustration that many of us believe that our physical presence is enough. In some way, we convince ourselves… Continue reading Spending time with family or Investing time with family?

In Tune With the Vision

I recently met with a pastor who was describing their church. I immediately drew an image in my mind that illustrated their operation. I couldn’t wait to get back to the office and describe. See Below: The Senior Pastor, had a vision, told people about it, but really was doing nothing to articulate how to… Continue reading In Tune With the Vision

Prefers Traditional Music…

I was perusing through a list of churches seeking pastors and saw a job description with those three words, “Prefers Traditional Music”. I know the debate over traditional vs. contemporary worship will continue to divide this side of heaven. However, what does it say about the openness of your church by making that statement?

Video Conferencing – Getting Started

One of the things I have learned in building our business is how much I enjoy taking advantage of video conferencing with clients. For me, there is just something about getting to see that person’s face vs. just the audio of their voice on the phone. I also really find it useful to help our… Continue reading Video Conferencing – Getting Started